Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

What exactly is Memoriter?

Memoriter is a note taking study tool. It was designed to store and study information in a clear and effective way. The application is still in a very early stage of development, but as the time progresses there will be more features added to make the studying experience with Memoriter even more comprehensive.

Who created Memoriter?

Memoriter is a tool for students by students. It was originally started as a school project by a small team of German students in 2021, but we moved on afterwards and are now a still small, but international organization. Head over to our About page to find out more.

Is Memoriter free?

Yes! The application is completely free to use at the moment. Memoriter is currently a non profit project, we do not have an incentive to make money off of it. With the project beeing very small at the moment, our operative costs are little, so we are able to do so. If you still want to support us financially, please consider donating.

Why is Memoriter structured in this way?

There are already good note taking and study programs, but there isn't really a good tool which combines or provides both aspects in one app. Therefore we tried to provide multiple aspects of learning and use those scientific principles to create an all-in-one study experience.

What is the purpose of this application?

During our time in highschool we became increasingly frustrated with the lack of good digital tools for studying. We wanted to create a tool that would help us and other students to study more efficiently. We hope that you will find Memoriter useful and that it will help you to study more effectively. Head over to our About page to find out more.

What inspired the creation of Memoriter?

During highschool all of us used note taking and study apps regularly, but we noticed that none of them offer a good combination of note taking and studying. We were inspried by the apps we used and wanted to add something on top of their features. A big inspiration for the flashcard system were Anki as well as Quizlet, we were inspired to implement the note taking functionality by apps like Notion and google Keep, overal a lot of different apps inspired us to create Memoriter.

How does this web application differ from other study apps available on the market?

There are already a lot of good note taking and study apps available on the market, but we think that Memoriter is different in the way that it combines both aspects in one app. We also have a higher focus on helping students study with the power of ai and machine learning, than other apps do. Another key difference is that Memoriter is completely free for most of its features, the features that require a subscription are very cheap and we don't have any ads. The last but most important difference is that Memoriter is a non profit, open source project from students for students, we are not fuled by the profit incentive but by the desire to help students study more efficiently.

How often does Memoriter recieve updates?

Unfortunately we can't dedicate as much time to Memoriter as we would like to because we have school and other personal obligations. But nevertheless we try to update the app as often as possible, we try to release a new update every few months. Follow us on social media to stay updated on how the development is going.

How can I help improving Memoriter?

There are many ways to support us. Firstly, you can spread awareness about the app. Secondly a small donation can make a huge difference. Finally, you can actively support us with reporting issues, providing ideas or, since the project is open source, you always can create a pull request if you know a bit obout programming.


Can I delete my user data?

All your folders and flashcards get removed if you delete your account. If you just want to clear your user data, you can then reopen an account with the same email address.

Is it possible to reopen an account and restore my data?

Sadly not. Once an account is closed, all corresponding user data is deleted. It is possible opening an account with the same email address though.

Is my data safe?

Yes, your data is safe. We are using the high security standards and we are very concered about the safety of our app. Take a look at our privacy policiy to learn more about our security measures.

Open Source

Is Memoriter open source?

Yes, it is! You can find our entire source code on GitHub.

Can I contribute to the project?

If you know a bit about HTML, CSS and JavaScript/TypeScript, that's awesome! Feel free to create a pull request with the changes you want to see implemented.

Is there documentation of the source code?

Sadly no, at least at the moment. The beginning of development were very unorganized, so no one really cared about documenting anything, and with our code beeing very chaotic (even the people who wrote it don't understand it 😉), nobody wanted to do this task for a long while. So be patient, we are trying to get it done.

Can I build an own project based on Memoriter?

Sure, you can use the source code of Memoriter for your own pupuses. That is one part of the aspects of open source. Please remember the code is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. We would also appreciate attribution when using our work.

What is the current legal status of Memoriter?

The institution behind the project is Memoriter LLC (Limited Liability Company), a company registered in Missippi, but we are mostly a community of individuals maintaining and developing the project.

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