Release Notes

March 12, 2023

Memoriter v1.2

While working on this update, we redirected our focus to AI and incorporated new features such as a Discord Bot, an AI tutor to speed up homework, and flashcard suggestions for easy creation. We also revamped our startpage to be more visually appealing and added more features. Additionally, we implemented a spaced repetition algorithm for flashcards to enhance memorization and made various design improvements to modernize the website

New Features

The most notable addition to this update is the incorporation of AI features. The AI now suggests answers for flashcards, enabling faster creation. We've also added CheatPT-3, an AI tutor in the form of a Discord Bot. It assists with homework and flashcard creation. Please note that this feature is currently in beta and may have bugs. Feedback and suggestions are welcome. To further support homework assistance, we created a community on Discord for users to ask questions and receive help. Join the community whith this link and help to grow it to be a helpful place for homework assistance.

In addition We created this beautiful startpage, which has a lot more features than the old one. It also looks a lot nicer and more modern. We will be adding more features to the startpage in the future, if you have any suggestions, please let us know.

Moreover a spaced repetition algorithm was added to the flashcards to aid in longer-term memorization. You can access the study mode by clicking on the 'study'-button and selecting your preferred mode.

Design Changes

Saga changed the color scheme to make it look a bit nicer. She also reworked the design of a flashcard and made the design a lot more consistent.

Other Changes

  • The Backend was reworked to make it more efficient and easier to use.
  • A feature was added which makes it able to archive folders.

Bugfixes and Tweaks

  • We fixed some old bugs and created some new ones :D.

We hope you enjoy the new update!
- Memoriter Development Team

Older Releases:

October 12, 2022

Memoriter v1.1

This update a few new features were added, as well as visual improvements. The main focus has been that the way to study with Memoriter is improved. Therefore a new study mode to practice flashcards was implemented. Furthermore the overall user experience, as well as the application performance, was improved.

New Features

The main feature of the update is the study mode, which you can enter from the flashcard overview page. With this mode, you can query, study and repeat your flashcards in a random order. When entering the study mode, a random flashcard of this folder will be shown, but only the title is shown, the answer is hidden. When clicking the flashcard, you have the option to mark a card as either correct to remove it from the session or incorrect to repeat it again later.

Next to the study mode we now provide the option to hide the flashcard content by default and only show it when hovering or selecting the card.

Next to the studying related features, a few other features were implemented to improve the user experience. Firstly the flashcard text editor was improved, now allowing some text formatting options to highlight certain parts of the text. Next to the text editing options, more account management options were added. Now it is possible to change your email address or password or to send a password reset link if you forgot it.

Minor Changes

  • Some aspects of the visual design of the application were changed and improved, for isnatance an optional light theme was added.
  • The sizes of flashcards are dynamically changing based on the text length for a better looking layout and better usage of space.
  • The release notes were implemented to document changes.
  • We have added a form at the bottom of each page to report issues.

Bugfixes and Tweaks

  • Queries from the database were dramatically reduced, leading to faster loading times and less bandwidth usage.
  • Some parts of the application are better optimized for mobile devices (even though we created some new issues).

We hope you enjoyed this update!
- Memoriter Development Team

June 13, 2022

Memoriter v1.0

Interesting that you have scrolled down so far down... Anyways, this was the first version of Memoriter, created in the span of less than a year by some students with almost no programming experience. Therefore, the code was a completely mess and the application was buggy as hell.

Website screenshot

Screenshot from the first informational site of Memoriter


The features of the application were few and simple. You had the option to create folders and flashcards and that was it, but there is other stuff worth mentioning. Yes here are the main features:

  • A way to simple, not finished minimum viable product,
  • a suboptimal design because none of us had experience in that field,
  • weird issues no one could explain (for instance on Apple's Safari-Browser was a weird gradient at the bottom of each flashcard),
  • a none-existent mobile optimization making it impossible to use the app outside of a laptop or desktop PC,
  • the worst database optimization I have ever seen (seriously, when data was requested, all pieces of data from the servers were sent to your device to pick the right ones, resulting in downloading way too much unnecessary content. At least no one was using the app at this point and is was still better than an issue occurring while developing version 1.1, resulting in crashing the entire database until all invalid pieces of data were removed manually),
  • an informational page wich was also bad because it was made in only a week or so (see the screenshot above), which pushed me into spending hundreds of hours to create this site...

Even though our first attempt was not that good we were able to create a foundation to build on and to create something awesome. We all have gained a LOT of experience working on this project and for me it was the beginning of my interest in web development and programming in general. It was (and still is) extremely fun working on Memoriter...

Thanks for reading!
‐ The release note author and main developer

We hope you enjoyed this update!
- Memoriter Development Team

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